Level 2
Level 2 of the Thames Rowing Club Tideway steering certificate
Level 2
Coxes and steers
Assessment for Level 2 is done by a coach or independent tester (e.g. a veteran), who must be approved by the Club Rowing Safety Adviser for this purpose. For a novice steers or someone not used to the Tideway, you must have completed and recorded the time and date of a minimum of five supervised outings to apply to be certified at this level; the time it takes you to reach Level 2 will be largely dependent on your knowledge and experience both of the sport and of the Tideway. If you have not steered previously, a much higher number of sessions would be expected over a period of many months. For this purpose, it is necessary to keep simple records of all your outings and ask your coach to sign your log book/diary or other record straight after every outing – the Safety Adviser is very likely to ask to see this. An electronic diary is also appropriate.
Note that this Level 2 status is awarded separately for coxing, foot steering and sculling and possession of one is not a licence to steer any other type of boat.
A brief summary of the required competencies for Level 2 include the following, but the deciding factor is that steers or coxes must be competent to go out alone in good conditions:
sign the boat out, get the boat out of the boat house safely across the road and onto the water, having checked the heel restraints, bow ball and hatch covers, and completed any adjustments on the bank before pulling out;
steer the boat on a curved course round a bend a consistent distance from the bank;
steer to port and starboard on request using either rudder and/or pressure of blades/sculls;
successfully execute an emergency stop as per the Thames Rowing Club Safety Summary and this video;
turn 90 degrees on the spot;
back it down;
get the boat into the boat house safely across the road, off the water and washed down, and signed in.
There are other further skills required which need to be completed in a reasonable time after the basic test is passed and certainly by the end of the first season in which you were certified at L2.
Your coach will be asked to fill, scan and send to both you and the safety team the attached form to certify your compentency and for us to keep for our records.
At Level 2 you may:
go out in good conditions without a coach;
go out in Difficult Conditions as part of a coached group of boats;
go out in two Difficult Conditions occurring together with a one-on-one coach;
go out in the dark with a one-on-one coach
Launch drivers
The Level 2 practical test for launch drivers is assessed by a member of the Safety Committee who holds an RYA level 2 powerboat qualification. Please email us on safety@thamesrc.co.uk to arrange this.
If you hold an RYA level 2 powerboat qualifcation, you do not need to do the full test but you must have a basic introduction to the Thames launches. Please email us on safety@thamesrc.co.uk to arrange this. You will need to send through your RYA certificate for our records.
To take a launch out unaccompanied in normal conditions, you must have completed the Level 2 practical assessment.